This is a tab for the song "Mister Driver" by The Plastiscines from their first album. The song is super easy and fun to play :) A5: 5-7-7-x-x-x---| G5: 3-5-5-x-x-x---| C5: 8-10-10-x-x-x-| Intro and Verse: e|-----------------------------5--5-------------------------------| B|-----------------------------5--5-------------------------------| G|-----------------------------6--6-------------------------------| D|-----7---------5-------5----------------------------------------| A|---7---7-----5---5---5---5--------------------------------------| E|-5---------3-------7--------------------------------------------| I've been sitting in your car for hours please mister driver don't tell my mother I've been waiting here next to your fire and it makes me feel a little higher Bridge: I can hear you boom boom heart second feel your baam baam heart never stop the boom boom that's the way I love you now Chorus:

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