Intro: D- Com - pli - ment what she does, send her ro - ses just be - cause; If it's vi - o - lins she loves, then let them play. Ded - i - cate her fav' - rite song and hold her clo -ser all night long; Love her today -- find one hun - dred ways. Don't for - get there could be an old lov - er in her mem - o - ry; If you need her so much more, why don't you say? May - be she has it in her mind That she's just wast - ing her time; Ask her to stay -- find one hun - dred ways. Bridge: Be - in' cool won't help you keep a love warm; You'll just blow your chance. Take the time to open up your heart -- That's the secret of romance. Sac - ri - fice, if you care; buy her some moon - light to wear. If there's one more star she wants, go all the way. In your arms to - night she'll reflect That she owes you the sweet - est of debts. If she wants to pay, find one hun - dred ways.