I've seen a world unlike any you’ve seen, full of creatures who’ve been in my dreams~ I know a pain like you wouldn’t believe, one that rips me apart at the seams! “Take your pills, Fran!” “Just lie still, Fran!” Is that dead girl me? “Fran Bow!” “Fran Bow!” “None of this is real!” So they tell me. Shall we see what these reveal? I hear Itward’s whispers echo in my mind… ~stop~ It’s a perfect time to die Finding Mr. Midnight. I’ve seen the end of a number of lives; And I wonder if I caused a few… Am I ghost? Is my heart made of wood? Is that blood on my hands from me or you? I hear voices… All these noises… Are my choices gone? “Fran Bow!” “Fran Bow!” “Puppet on a string!” You can taunt me, haunt me- It won’t change a thing. Because Itward’s whispers echo in my mind… ~stop~ It’s a perfect time to die Finding Mr. Midnight. Every memory is a mystery or lie… Tears well from the blood in my eyes… “Fran Bow! Fran Bow!” “How’d your parents die?” You won’t trust me; just be- -ware the shadow’s lies. He’ll surround you, drown you! Bury you alive! But you’ll shake him, break him each time you survive. So let Itward’s whispers echo in my mind… ~stop~ It’s a perfect time to die Finding Mr. Midnight.