Verse (picking sequence for first few chords - and all chords) repeats) e|-------0-------|-------0-------|-------0------|-------3------|-------3------| B|-----3---3-----|-----1---1-----|-----3---3----|-----0---0----|-----0---0----| G|---4-------4---|---0-------0---|---4-------4--|---0-------0--|---0-------0--| D|---------------|---------------|--------------|--------------|--------------| A|-2-------------|-0-------------|-2------------|--------------|-2------------| E|---------------|---------------|--------------|-3------------|--------------| I will sing a song of praise For the Lord has delivered me He has ransomed me from my futile ways And made these blind eyes see So I'll sing to the world of his great great grace And the love joy and peace He gives For the Lord of life has been sacrificed That I might freely live Verse I will sing a song of peace For the love that the Father has shown He has reconciled my angry heart And brought my spirit home Having cleansed my guilt in His holy fire That descended on Calvary's tree Where the Son of God became my sin To set my conscience free Verse I will sing a song of hope In the grace that the Father has planned When the trumpet sounds and the earth resounds In praises to the Lamb And the saints shall rise with a mighty shout At the voice of the King of kings And fore'er they'll reign with the Lamb once slain And to Him glory bring

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