From the second floor you seemed so far away. And as the raindrops kissed my broken lips, i begged that you would stay. But you know honeslty you mean to me the weather. The stage was yours last time, but this time, i found someone better. Ruby Red. She wants the world instead. Ruby Red. She wants the world instead. And from the ice caps we could see the sea below. As the waves collided side to side that swayed us to and fro. We were wild eyed like fireflies together. We sunk those chemicals like wolves and we were flying feathers. Ruby Red. She wants the world instead. Ruby Red. She wants the world instead. Singing. Nothings gonna stand in our way. Nothings gonna change the world, so come closer. And nothings gonna stop us today. We were the colours. Die like colours. So paint me black and blue. And we'll explode into the sky and meet the sun. To place you with the stars above, cause thats where you belong. Ruby Red. She wants the world instead. Ruby Red. She wants the world instead. Chorus 2x We were the colours die like colours so paint me black and blue. Hope it helped.