Please- Something like Silas Intro (x2) Verse1 Hear Your words Hear Your voice Like the sound of rushing waters through my soul em In the company of mystery I am lost I am found In the whirlwind of my mind to comprehend All the vastness of Your beauty, Lord so… Chorus Tags Please, tell me (I cannot touch You, I cannot hold You) In this holy fear that you are near me (I cannot see You, But I know You) In silence I will know that You will (I cannot touch You, I cannot hold You) Hear me Lord (I cannot see You, But I know You) Verse 2 Here I fall At Your feet And my heart will lift its cries to be relieved Of the things that keep me from You Lord My soul knows That one day When this body and this mind have perish then I will join in Heaven’s songs until then… Bridge use Chorus chords and sing tags

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