Who can turn the world_____ on with a smile,________ who can take a nothing day___ and sud-denly make__ it all seem worthwhile?____ Well, it's you girl, and you should know_ it, with each glance and ev-'ry lit-tle move-ment you show it. Love is all a-round, no need to waste___ it. You can have the town; why don't you take___ it? (to Coda)A You're gon - na make it af - ter all___________. You are most like - ly to suc - ceed,__________ you have the looks and charms,___ Dmj7 and girl, you know___ that's all___you need.___ All the men a - round a - dore__ ___you, that sex - y look_ will do won_ders for you. Love is all a - round, no need to waste___ it. You can have the town; why don't you take__ it? You're gon - na make it af - ter all_________.

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