Always Waiting - Stellar Kart (2x) Hating yesterday Always on the go 
C Looking past today you can't enjoy the show Never satisfied Till you reach the end But even then you?d like the chance to start again You?ll never Find what you Are looking for Always waiting for tomorrow Always waiting for the new to come around Still waiting for the grass that?s greener N.C. Always waiting for anything but now Looks like the skies are clear You hope that it would rain But when the clouds appear you want the sun again If you had everything or nothing in your hands You?ll never be content in any circumstance You?ll never Find what you Are looking for Always waiting for tomorrow Always waiting for the new to come around Still waiting for the grass that?s greener N.C. Always waiting for anything but now Here?s why you?ll never find Peace of mind on your own You can't be content with You live in tomorrow He is the One you should Be looking for Always waiting Always waiting for Always waiting for tomorrow Always waiting for the new to come around Still waiting for the grass that?s greener Always waiting for something Always waiting for tomorrow Always waiting for the new to come around Still waiting for the grass that?s greener N.C. Always waiting for anything but now