Verse In a steel town It’s all fun and games ‘til graduation When you work 51 or take one for vacation * In a beach town In a steel town That shift you work is what the world revolves round When that whistle winds its almost time to wind down * Over a cold round In a steel town you learn how to bend and not break How to hang in, how to cut loose How to find a way How to start with nothing, build it from the ground Everything that matters most I learned about Verse In a steel town All the talk is football and the weather And it always seems next season’s looking better Than right now Yeah in a steel town Your boots and jeans and shirts and cars are passed down There’s not a lot but there’s enough to go around I found In a steel town you learn how to bend and not break How to hang in, how to cut loose How to find a way How to start with nothing, build it from the ground Everything that matters most I learned about In a steel town In a steel town Oooh Verse In a steel town We realize we’re all in this thing together And you learn to take the heat and stand the pressure * In a meltdown In a steel town In a steel town How to start with nothing, build it from the ground You can leave, but your heart will hang around In a steel town Yeah in a steel town In a steel town