Chorus Farewell the colliery workers, the muffler and the cap. Fare-thee well you Rhondda valley girls, we never will come back. ... The mines they are a--closin', the valleys are all doomed. There’s no work in the Rhondda, boys, we'll be in London soon. verse 1 My father was a miner, as his father was before, and they always had been proud to work be.- -low. Since they fell 'neath Roben's axe, all the lads have got the sack, so a- -way to work in England, we must go! Chorus Farewell the colliery workers, the muffler and the cap. Fare-thee well you Rhondda valley girls, we never will come back. ... The mines they are a--closin', the valleys are all doomed. There’s no work in the Rhondda, boys, we'll be in London soon. verse 2 No more the chapel singin', for that long ago has left us, in the public house no more the miner's songs. For the population's droppin', as the pit wheels they’re a-stoppin', and I can't afford to stay here very long. Chorus Farewell the colliery workers, the muffler and the cap. Fare-thee well you Rhondda valley girls, we never will come back. ... The mines they are a--closin', the valleys are all doomed. There’s no work in the Rhondda, boys, we'll be in London soon. verse 3 Treherbert and Treorchy, Ton- pandy and Tynewydd, Ystrad Rhondda and Ton Pentre, all a- dieu! For I can no longer wait, while the parliament debates, So a fond farewell I bid to all of you! Chorus Farewell the colliery workers, the muffler and the cap. Fare-thee well you Rhondda valley girls, we never will come back. ... The mines they are a--closin', the valleys are all doomed. There’s no work in the Rhondda, boys, we'll be in London soon. Chorus Farewell the colliery workers, the muffler and the cap. Fare-thee well you Rhondda valley girls, we never will come back. ... The mines they are a--closin', the valleys are all doomed. There’s no work in the Rhondda, boys, we'll be in London soon.