figured out by: Craig Taylor words and music by Richard Cimino, Mike Cimino, Mike Minard, Scott Stewart, Terry McNabb and play in Intro: Poor boy wants what a rich boy has, the rich boy he has noth - ing to give A Rich boy he?s got - ta give it all a - way, Nev - er seems to have e - nough to help him live. Chorus 1: Emp - ty heart, how you gon - na fill your emp - ty heart? Emp - ty heart, how you gon - na fill your emp - ty heart? Poor girl wants what pret - ty girl has, pret - ty girl she?s got noth - ing to give Pret - ty girl she?s got - ta give it all a - way, Nev - er seems to have enough to help her live. (Chorus 1, bass solo, then Bridge) Bridge: The world seems to of - fer you so much, but it is noth - ing at all, noth - ing at all. (Yea) But Je - sus wants to give you all He has and He has e - ver - y - thing. Je - sus is everything (Yea) Poor boy wants what Je - sus has, Je - sus has life that He wants to give Poor boy takes what Je - sus has, poor boy?s finally find a way to live. Chorus 2: Emp - ty heart, Je - sus gon - na fill your emp - ty heart. Emp - ty heart, Je - sus gon - na fill your emp - ty heart. Emp - ty heart, Je - sus gon - na fill your emp - ty heart. Emp - ty heart, Je - sus gon - na fill your emp - ty heart. arr. by The Kry, Copyright Freedom 1995 EMPTY HEART words and music by Richard Cimino, Mike Cimino, Mike Minard, Scott Stewart, Terry McNabb Poor boy wants what a rich boy has, The rich boy he has nothing to give A Rich boy he?s gotta give it all away, Never seems to have enough to help him live. Chorus 1: Empty heart, how you gonna fill your empty heart? Empty heart, how you gonna fill your empty heart? Poor girl wants what pretty girl has, Pretty girl she?s got nothing to give Pretty girl she?s gotta give it all away, Never seems to have enough to help her live. (Chorus 1) (Bridge) Bridge: The world seems to offer you so much, But is nothing at all, nothing at all. But Jesus wants to give you all He has And He has everything. Jesus is everything. Poor boy wants what Jesus has, Jesus has life that He wants to give Poor boy takes what Jesus has, Poor boy?s finally find a way to live. (Chorus 2) Chorus 2: Empty heart, Jesus gonna fill your empty heart. Empty heart, Jesus gonna fill your empty heart. (Repeat two times) arr. by The Kry, Copyright 1995, ARR, ICS, UBP, CCLI 58147