Whew..this will go down in the record books as one of the hardest songs ever to pick out! I tried to get it as close as possible to the complex piano chords on the recording. **Play with a capo on 4 to match album key** Do you remember me, I sat upon your knee I wrote to you with childhood fantasies Well, I'm all grown-up now and still need help somehow I'm not a child but my heart still can dream So here's my lifelong wish, my grown-up Christmas list Not for myself but for a world in need No more lives torn apart That wars would never start And time would heal all hearts And everyone would have a friend And right would always win And love would never e----nd This is my grown-up Christmas list As children we believed the grandest sight to see Was something lovely wrapped beneath our tree Well Heaven surely knows that packages and bows Can never heal a hurting human soul CHORUS What is this illusion called the innocence of youth Maybe only in our blind belief can we ever find the truth (key change) Last chorus: No more lives torn apart That wars would never start And time would heal all hearts And everyone would have a friend And right would always win + And love would never e--nd oh This is my grown-up Christmas list This is my only life long wish This is my grown-up Christmas list Chords: A = x02220 Am = x02210 Am7 = x02010 B = x24442(bar chord) or xx4442 Bb = x13331(bar chord) or xx3331 Bbm = x13321(bar chord) or xx3321 C = x32010 C#m = x46654(bar chord) or xx6654 C#m7= x46454(bar chord) or xx6454 D = xx0232 D/F#= 200232 (hold down bottom string with thumb) Dm = xx0231 Dm7 = xx0211 D# = x68886 E = 022100 Esus= 022200 Em = 022000 Eb = x6534x F = 133211(bar chord) or xx3211 F+ = x7645x Fm = 133111(bar chord) F# = 244322(bar chord) F#7 = 242322(bar chord) G = 320003 G/B = x2003x or x20003 G# = 466544(bar chord) G#m7= 464444(bar chord)