"Eternity has begun" As Played By IIIrd Tyme Out Transcribed By Brad Kale ([email protected]) Eternity has begun Most any day, a sound will be made That's never been heard before. And when it's made, it will burst open the grave Of everyone that went to sleep, in the lone. And those that remain, in a moment will be changed. With the brightness of heaven all around. There'll be praise, there'll be singing Heaven's bells will be ringing. When that cloud starts coming down. On this cloud there'll be our savior, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, God's son. Rising up his church, to join him. Oh Hallelujah, eternity has begun. Now when his glorious church, leaves a simple world And goes home to the place he's prepared. Fire and brimstone will reign, on everything that remains And the fire will fill the very air. Oh but those who are saved, will have done left their graves. Glorified, robed in white, gone home. Where we'll praise him forever, in a land where night comes never. When his glorious church goes home. (To Chorus)