Intro | | | verse 1 The poor, despised and overborne, The faint, the weak, and those who mourn, The plagued and sin-sick, sorrow-worn, Our Christ can heal, with loving zeal verse 2 The wandering, the wayward, and the lost By restless passions, conflicted, tossed, Redeemed at such a countless cost From dark despair, in triumph declare Chorus Christ for the world, we sing, the world to Christ we bring All of its suffering untold Every tribe and tongue into the strong arms of God Christ for the world, Christ for the world we sing! (To verse 3: | | ) (To Bridge: | | ) verse 3 Revived and new-born souls, whose days Reclaimed and ransomed from sin's dark ways, Inspired with rising hope and praise, To Christ belong, and lift a joyful song Bridge With us the work to share, with us reproach to dare, With us the cross to bear in one accord With us the work to share, with us reproach to dare, With us the cross to bear for our Lord Outro: Same as the Intro, end on Words by Samuel Wolcott & Marty Mikles Music by Marty Mikles Public Domain. This arrangement copyright © 2011 The Salvation Army, Atlanta, GA 30329 Used by permission. All right reserved.