verse 1 Erupt in violence amidst the turbulence No running water yet the rivers run e_bullient Interlude verse 2 Their fate is exodus it's plague days for the rest of us Wretched and wrapped in filth it's wrath and rapture all in one Interlude verse 3 Now we cultivate o____ceans of flame No sun in the sky but the burning re__mains and I know I know we're witnessing the end Skeleton hands smooth the sheets of their death beds verse 4 Wise men are mistaken a_gain A doppel__ganger sa___vior born in_to fame I know we're witnessing the end Skeleton hands smooth the sheets of their death beds Break Bridge Anointed in acid rain Crossed in crowded streets Formed in a manger of mange A bastard in Babylon hailing from hell and beyond Born to a life full of blame Sticks and stones will fall from the sky Anchor the anger within Son of a son of a bitch he was kin Flesh and blood Bone and skin