{}phine "Yeah, she was a model" "No, she entered one of those desperate and dateless ads in the paper mate" I just {}to "You mean like the dishes and that" "No, he means sexual things" "No, I actually mean the dishes" "Right" It was {}you {}Sunday morning/night/afternoon {}Luna park/the doctor/watch them film the secret life of us {}happy tune "How'd it go again, what was it?" Um, too {}too too too too too too too too {}"What?" No, I think it was spirits of the forest can you hear me "No no no, it wasn't that" {}ture "It's something like that" "Oh" I would ask you to {}nalogy If I was a fish and you were {}algae Of course I'd need to be a {}nalogy And that's why you can {}phine "That doesn't mean anything" {}"Whose story is this anyway?" "It's mine/mine/mine" Jose{}touched seen heard With my {}crutch bean word And my }dutch clean bird -Expletives expletives- "It's not working" "Look. lets just wind it up" "Yep" Baby if you were from {}have ya here But Josephine your not {}laugh at yer Of course you'd need to be the {}have ya here And that's why we can {}marry yer, Jose{D}phine "So Josephine's a dog?" "No, it's an analogy" "Yeah, she's a }fish, you idiot" "It's too early for this" "For f***s sake" Jose{}phine Question? Comments? [email protected]