I traveled on a lonely road and no one seemed to care. The burden on my weary back had bowed me to despair; I oft complained to Jesus how folks were treating me, And then I heard Him say so tenderly, "My feet were also weary, upon the Calvary road; The cross became so heavy, I fell beneath the load, Be faithful weary pilgrim the morning I can see, Just lift your cross and follow close to me." "I work so hard for Jesus" I often boast and say "I've sacrificed a lot of things to walk the narrow way, I gave up fame and fortune, I'm worth a lot to Thee" And then I hear Him gently say to me, "I left the throne of glory and counted it but loss, My hands were nailed in anger upon a cruel cross, But now we'll make the journey with your hand safe in mine, So lift your cross and follow close to me. Instrumental Oh Jesus if I die upon a foreign field someday, 'Twould be no more than love demands, no less could I repay, "No greater love hath mortal man than for a friend to die" These are the words He gently spoke to me, "If just a cup of water I place within your hand Then just a cup of water is all that I demand. But if by death to living they can Thy glory see, I'll take my cross and follow close to Thee.

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