I didn't write this song in some Nashville office space And even hate me for the mainstream, hey I ain't got a pretty face But if you want to hear a song about just another poor man's son Hand me some cheap guitar, hey, hell I can get it done I'm just a cliché country singer, muther fucking, scum bag hum dinger Flipping the world my middle finger, just like Johnny Cash Though it's all cliché, what the hell else could I say' Other than, if you don't like me, you can kiss my ass Met her in the basement of a downtown Baptist church I was strung out bad, she was strung out worse It was a rough time in my life, oh, but a least I got this first Cause if you gonna sing it proud, you gotta live it first, baby that's the curse of a I'm just a cliché country singer, muther fucking, scum bag hum dinger Flipping the world my middle finger, just like Johnny Cash Though it's all cliché, what the hell else could I say' Other than, if you don't like me, you can kiss my ass And as for Nashville, guess I don't need them I'll take the cash and keep my freedom I'm just a cliché country singer, muther fucking, scum bag hum dinger Flipping the world my middle finger, just like Johnny Cash Though it's all cliché, what the hell else could I say' Other than, if you don't like me, you can kiss my ass if you don't like me, you can kiss my ass,

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