verse 1 Right now, we're angry and sad It's our right to get righteously mad At every member of the opposite sex Oh God, we hate them! verse 2 Let's not distinguish between them at all Let's just drink a lot more alcohol And then high-five each other As we make a bunch of blanket statements Let's generalize about men! Let's generalize about men! Let's take one bad thing about one man And apply it to all of them Let's conflate all the guys Let's generalize About men! verse 3 All men are completely repressed All men only want to have sex There are no exceptions All three billion men are like this (All 3.6 billion men!) verse 4 All men are emotionally stunted When asked how they feel, every man's always grunted And why do men never listen and only think about themselves As opposed to women, who always listen and never think about themselves? N.C. (Ooh, I hear you, girl!) Let's generalize about men! Let's generalize about men! Let's get super-lit And not admit This is some kind of primal ritual we need now and then Maybe our spirits will rise If we generalize about men! Bridge All men are stupid and childish Even the ones who are smart and mature All every man does every day Is watch porn, eat wings, burp, fart, and snore N.C. (Hey, what about gay men? Oh no, gay men are fine) Gay men are all really great Every single one They're never mean, just sassy They're all completely adorable and fun So let's focus for now on straight men Let's just generalize about them (They're all monsters! They're murderers! They're rapists! Totally! Wait, I have sons.) Your sons are gonna be rapists